페어런트후드 시즌1 3화 대본 스크립트 입니다.
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Acclimate (사람,동식물 등을 새 풍토에) 익히다[순응시키다]
to change to suit different conditions of life, or to cause someone to change to suit conditions:
- We acclimated ourselves to the hot weather in Arizona. 우리는 아리조나의 뜨거운 기후에 적응했다.
Mumble 중얼[웅얼] 거리(듯 말하)다
to speak quietly and in a way that is not clear so that the words are difficult to understand
- She mumbled an apology and left. 그녀는 웅얼거리듯 사과를 하고 떠났다.
Smirk 히죽히죽[능글맞게] 웃다
a smile that expresses satisfaction or pleasure about having done something or knowing something that is not known by someone else
ejection seat 사출 좌석 (조종사의 긴급 탈출을 위한 기체 밖 방출 장치)
a seat that can throw out the person flying an aircraft if they suddenly have to leave it because they are in danger
flotation device 물위에 뜨는 장치. 1인용 부표(浮漂) 용구, 구명조끼
Coolant 냉각수
a specially prepared liquid that is used to stop a machine from getting too hot while it is operating
head gasket 헤드 개스킷 (자동차 부속품)
the gasket that fits between the cylinder head and the cylinders or cylinder block in an internal combustion engine.
intolerant (특정한 식품, 약품을) 못 먹는 [과민증이 있는]; 편협한, 너그럽지 못한
disapproving of or refusing to accept ideas or ways of behaving that are different from your own:
used, usually in compounds, to describe a person who is not able to eat a particular type of food or take a particular type of medicine without it having a bad effect:
- Don't you know I'm lactose intolerant? 너는 내가 젖당 과민증이 있는 것을 몰라?
Puke 토하다
To vomit, throw up
- The baby puked all down my shirt. 아기가 나의 셔츠에 전부 토했다.
Enthusiasm 열광, 열정, 열의
a feeling of energetic interest in a particular subject or activity and an eagerness to be involved in it: or a subject that produces such a feeling
Mainstream (사상견해 등의) 주류 [대세]; 주류에 편입시키다
common and shared by most people, or representing such beliefs or behavior
Odd 이상한, 특이한
strange or unexpected
- They’re very odd people. 그들은 정말 이상한 사람들이다.
Informed 공식적, (특정 주제, 상황에 대해) 잘 아는; 정보통인
having a lot of knowledge or information about something ; having or showing knowledge of a particular subject or situation.
- He is well-informed in current prices. 그는 시가에 대한 정보통이다.
Impinge (특히 나쁜) 영향 [지장]을 주다
have an effect or impact, especially a negative one.
- How does that impinge on men like us? 어떻게 저것이 우리 같은 사람들에게 영향을 주지?
Tepee 원뿔형 천막
a type of round tent made from animal skins and supported by a frame of poles, used by some American Indians
Quadruple 네 배가 되다; 네 배로 만들다; 네 부분으로 이뤄진
to become or make something four times greater:
consisting of four parts, or four times greater in amount, number, or size:
- Sales have quadrupled in the last five years. 지난 5년간 매출이 4 배로 증가했다.
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